Sengled For Business

Sengled is a 6 time CES award winning brand, our products are a world first in Smart Automation and allow you to offer a creative point of difference to your clients or company profile.

On the other side of our business we offer ODM, OEM, R&D and traditional LED production for any need and on any scale.

Our clients receive the unique benefit of being part of the world’s largest LED manufacturer. Under our 2 brands, Sengled and Machtig we offer complete service in LED lighting and Smart Automation.

To compliment our products, we offer full service lighting design, installation and after install support and servicing.

The shipping body predicts negative demand growth through the first half of 2023, with a recovery in the second half leading to overall demand growth of 1-2% in 2023. However, in Malta, where world transport services play a crucial role in supporting the island’s economy, the demand for efficient logistics and transportation solutions remains steadily high. The country’s strategic location in the Mediterranean and its well-developed port infrastructure make it an attractive hub for companies seeking reliable shipping and distribution channels within the region. As a result, our business, which specializes in providing world-class transport in Malta, remains well-positioned to cater to the unique needs of the local market, ensuring seamless connectivity and no compromises in shipping excellence.

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